Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sun Dog Revisited

Looking at the date, I'm pretty sure that she was pouting because she couldn't believe I'd leave her alone with some crazy that she didn't know :~) 

A friend just sent me this picture of Cosette, with the message, ‘I miss puppy’. My reply was something along the lines of, ‘you think you miss her?’ Since the moment I picked Cosette up and zipped her into my hoody, we’ve been very close. Some may say a little too close. I know I was scolded by a former employer for choosing Cosette over spending extra time at work. Somehow, especially with the job being what it was, I felt that Cosette was by far the better choice. She rode in my messenger bag on the motorcycle with me, sat on my lap during toast night, when we watched Dr Who with the dorm, snuggled with me while I read or worked on the computer, slept with me at night, and (before she was banned from the office) either slept on my lap, or snuggled under my desk on a shirt of mine while I worked.

I’ve been super mad at that dog several times. Usually when she ran around with this silly puppy grin on her face, keeping just out of my reach as I tried to catch her. But I could never stay mad at her, and she never did anything terrible (though from what I hear, she’s giving my Mom plenty of crap…). Whenever I’m cross with her, she rolls over on her back to apologize, and looks so pathetic that I just can’t help giving her a cuddle.

I miss walking in the door (even after only 30 seconds outside), and having her do her happy puppy dance, and jump into my arms. I miss seeing her watch me through the window if I’m outside without her, just waiting for me to come back in. I miss being outside with her and playing fetch or just running around with her. I miss snuggling when we come back inside and she’s finally worn out enough to sleep. This blog isn’t really anything profound. I just miss my puppy.

I referred to Cosette as a “Sun dog” when I first got her (hence the blog title…), but then I sort of thought that was over when I managed to get her to the States. I wasn’t thinking though about the fact that just because she’s in the States, that doesn’t mean that we’ll be constantly together. She’s there, but I’m here. And it’s hard. Some days, I just want to go hiking with her, or have a good long cuddle. But I’m here, and it’s not possible.

I’ll see her in a few months though, and I look forward to that. And it will be wonderful to see her again, just as the sun dogs you see in the sky are all the more beautiful for their rarity.
For now, I’m just glad that I know she’s in good hands (even when she’s being a complete butt…), and I’ll see her later this year.