Sunday 22 December 2013

Sun Dog Part 2

This was written a little while ago. Most of you will already know the outcome of this, but I wanted to share my thoughts, though it has passed by now.
Cosette in her crate at the airport
We have less than a week left in India, Cosette and I. I have sent her paperwork in, to get her export papers. These are the vital papers. Without them, Cosette will not be allowed to leave India, and I will still have to leave.
There is still a chance that she will be the “Sun dog” I originally thought she may be. I am terribly afraid of that to be honest. I’ve grown very attached to this little dog, and the thought of losing her is not a good one.
I’ve been running these past few days like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to get every little bit and piece that I need for Cosette’s paperwork, hoping I’ve not left anything out or done anything wrong.
Something, though it seems like the paperwork and everything is fine, I have moments, especially as we’re snuggling in the mornings upon waking, where I think, “Oh no, this may be the last week I have with her.” I might end up being forced to leave her in India for whatever reason. It’s not that there are valid problems, but you still never know. I will not be at ease until we are through customs in Chicago and really on our way home.
Even now, as I finish writing this, I am on the plane in Frankfurt Germany, waiting to start the last leg of the trip home. The purser just confirmed the Cosette is on board, and doing well, but I still have this fear that something will happen. Perhaps they’ve confirmed that there’s a dog in the hold, but it’s the other one which was actually loaded. There are two dogs supposed to be on this flight.
Maybe I’m being neurotic. One thing that calms my heart is the knowledge that there are a lot of people praying that this puppy will arrive safely in the States. I truly believe that is what got us through the airport in Bangalore when they did not want to let Cosette’s crate through. I’m just trying to keep trusting and not panic about things. Hoping now that I’ll have many years with my Sun Dog. 

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