Wednesday 23 October 2013! Yeah...that's the one.

Went to get my puppy her last shots today. So much paperwork...Aiyoo...But at the end of it all, we have her "passport". It's really just a cute way of doing her health paperwork, and shot record and whatnot. Still plenty to do as far as paperwork goes, but she is getting closer. So exciting! 
Oh, by the way, have you ever seen the needle they use to microchip a dog? I thought we were going whale hunting when she pulled that harpoon out of the package. Flipping heck...
By the bye...we could use some prayer about the microchip thing. What is supposed to happen when a dog is microchipped is that the vet will then read the chip to be certain that the number on the card matches the number on the chip. But the vet doesn't have a reader that works. So I am going to try to find a kennel club or something that would have a working reader. That was the suggestion the vet gave. Otherwise, I'll just be praying that we got an accurate set.
Cosette says, "C'mon Mom, let's just go to the States already. No more needles."
I won't be completely relaxed about all of this until Cosette is actually in the States. There are so many things that could go wrong. But each step closer makes me have more hope that it will actually work. After seeing how Cosette acted when I left her with Carla for very short times, I don't know how she'd react if I left her in the India. And after teaching her to be the kind of dog she is, it would be entirely unfair to her. So, I'm praying, and doing all that I can to get this crazy little pup to the States. 

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