Tuesday 7 January 2014


A peaceful puppy sleeping on my lap as I write. Suddenly, a dog barks outside. It is a common occurrence here, with the number of dogs in the neighbourhood, but things had been quiet for some time.
A single bark. That’s all it took to shift Cosette from deep sleep to wide awake, staring toward the door in fear.
A single bark from her, and a single reassurance from me to remind her that she is now safe, and does not live on the streets anymore. She has no need of fear.
I think back to the half-starved, more than half-starved little puppy I found not so very long ago, and the look in her eyes as I came toward her. So much fear for such a young dog. Nothing that young, be it animal or human, should know that much fear.
More than just fear though, there was hope in her eyes; something you don’t often see in the eyes of older street dogs. She wanted to trust someone and be loved and taken care of. And when she finally had someone to put that trust into, she fell headlong, not waiting to see if I earned that trust.
In spite of scary dog noises outside, Cosette remembers that she’s safe. It doesn’t take her long to fall back into a sleep so deep that she is completely limp in my arms. Rolling onto her back, all four legs splayed, she invites a belly rub. It is the most vulnerable position a dog can put itself in, but she is entirely unafraid.
Even now that she's not a tiny puppy, Cosette still likes to snuggle when she sleeps. She and I sleep like this most nights :~)

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