Wednesday 5 February 2014

A Letter to Glenrock

Dear Glenrock,
Welcome back to school! How has your first week of school been?
Thought I'd send you all an update on Cosette. A few of you have seen photos of her on facebook, but you guys asked for pictures, so here they are.
Cosette has taken to the snow like she was born in Northern IL. She stays out in it longer than our other two dogs, though the first time she squatted in the snow to pee, she had a bit of a shock...And learned to not squat quite so far. :~)

She is finally able to run around off her leash, which she loves. And to be honest, not having the leash has made her more cooperative. She responds a lot more to the word "come" than she ever used to :~) Except when she's chasing the chickens...I guess I can understand that. She's fascinated by the chickens. I think she likes to watch them squawk and flap when she runs over to them.

Cosette learned that not all cats are as scary as Mr. Rocky. The cat in the photo is Nola. Cosette seems to like her the best, because she is fluffy. She constantly tries to chew on Nola's fur. Nola just snuggles up against her.
Cosette is kinda scared of the other cats, especially the one named E.T., who sometimes sneaks into the house. She is terrified when he is inside, and barks and whines til I put him out.
Cosette spends half her time sleeping on the couch. She has no boundaries when playing with the other dogs, so it's amazing that they are as nice to her as they are. Every once in a while, there is a loud growl and bark, and someone tries to bite Cosette. She backs off for about 2 seconds and then she is back in their faces again.
I think Cosette is trying to prove that no people are better than all of you. She took to my parents immediately which is good since she'll be living with them for a while, but otherwise she has been a little unsure of people. She's terrified of my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and most of my friends. I took it as a comment about me taking her away from you. She finally decided that she liked my 9-year old cousin, but he's the only American that doesn't live with me that she is really fond of. Racist little dog :~)
Well, that's pretty well what life is like around here. We miss you guys and hope all is well with you.
Study hard, play nice with the other kids, make us proud.
Laura and Cosette

P.S. Enjoy a few more pictures of Cosette.

Life is pretty rough for this poor dog. Work all day, never a chance to relax. She's thinking she'd have been better off as a street dog. 

1 comment:

  1. She's such a cute little dog. I'm so glad you were able to bring her home as easily as you did and that she's getting adapted! ;-)
