Thursday 5 September 2013

Sun Dog

What is a sundog? Have you ever looked up into the sky, and there is a patch of rainbow light hanging in the sky? It looks like a short, fat rainbow in the midst of everything, but it isn’t after a rain. That is a sundog. A thing of such beauty, but fleeting. Only there for a short time, depending on atmospheric conditions. You can take pictures of them when they appear, but a photo never captures what you want to capture. It might show a bit of the colour, but you can never capture the complete splendour of the sun dog.

This is a good picture of what I am dealing with at the moment. I have my own “Sun dog” in the form of a tiny, half-starved Pi dog (an indian street dog). She is adorable, but that isn’t where the beauty part comes in. The beauty is her amazing personality, and her willingness to love in spite of the rough start she has had. The word fleeting describes our relationship as well. I am only in India until December, and then I have to leave. I’m not sure how I’ll deal with that. I take so many pictures of my sweet Cosette, but they do not capture her. Oh, they are super cute, but they don’t actually show her personality. Looking at pictures of her is not the same as having her asleep on my lap (Where she is at the moment), or seeing her running toward me, so excited to see me. It isn't the same as watching tv with her, and having her wake just a little, to make sure she is still cuddled into me enough, before falling back asleep. Pictures cannot capture the moments with my little sun dog. Even the moments when she is difficult and does not want to let me sleep are sweet because of who she is.  

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